Time Table for keeping of paper-based record of marriage registration in each marriage registration office of this city
登记机关 Registration authority | 档案保管年限 Years of file keeping; |
东城区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Dongcheng | 原崇文区1998年1月1日起至今; District former Chongwen District since January1, 1998; 原东城2006年1月1日起至今; Former Dongcheng District since Janary 1, 2006; |
西城区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Xicheng | 2011年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2011; |
朝阳区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Chaoyang | 2009年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2009; |
海淀区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Haidian | 1950年5月1日起至今; District Since May 1, 1950; |
丰台区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Fengtai | 结婚档案2001年1月1日起至今; District Marriage files Since January 1, 2001; 离婚档案1995年6月12日起至今; Divorce files since June 12, 1996; |
石景山区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Shijingshan | 2014年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2014; |
门头沟区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Mentougou | 2018年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2018; |
房山区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Fangshan | 2017年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2017; |
通州区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Tongzhou | 本年度档案,2007-2016年保存在民政局档案室; District Files of the current year, the files from 2007 to 2016 are kept in the of the archives office of bureau of civil affairs; |
顺义区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Shunyi | 2014年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2014; |
昌平区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Changping | 2020年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2020; |
大兴区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Daxing | 2010年1月1日起至今; Dsitrict Since January 1, 2010 |
平谷区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Pinggu | 2014年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2014; |
怀柔区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Huairou | 2018年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2018; |
密云区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Miyun | 2016年1月1日起至今; District Since January 1, 2016; |
延庆区婚姻登记处 Marriage Registration Office of Yanqing | 本年度档案; District Files of the current year; |